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Soul Bruises

As a lifelong believer in Christ, I have grown weary of watching harm occur in our spiritual settings.  I'm sick and tired of just trying to pretend it isn’t happening or feeding myself the delusional fact that spiritual abuse isn’t a cancer within not only the church setting but also metastasizing to areas outside religious institutions. 

This is why Soul Bruises podcast was created.  Why this podcast is dedicated to the exposure, education and hopeful eradication of spiritual abuse in all settings.  Whether you  relate to my experience or have your own views on the topic I hope that you will find the Soul Bruises podcast will offer a fair and comprehensive perspective on the topic. 

Whether you're a spiritual leader, member of a church, or don't even have any affiliation with God or the church I want to challenge your assumptions regarding this topic so I hope you tune in. 

With each episode I hope you gain a clearer understanding of what spiritual abuse is, how is shows up in religious and other settings, who and what it affects and why it must be addressed in a purposeful and honest way. 

Soul Bruises

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