Soul Bruises

Episode 3: Soul Bruises Introduction: Confronting Spiritual Abuse Together As We Journey Towards Healing

November 27, 2023 Christie Hodson Season 1 Episode 3

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This introductory episode of Soul Bruises sets the stage for the podcast's mission—to uncover the reality of spiritual abuse, understand its impact on individuals, and discuss ways to combat it. Your host, Christie emphasizes the importance of listener participation and involvement to this issue.

Christie's personal motivation stems from witnessing far too many loved ones who have experienced  spiritual abuse and feeling compelled to speak out against this harm. Inspired by a podcast detailing abusive behavior within a religious community, she was motivated to move from a neutral stance to actively confronting the issue of spiritual abuse head on. This podcast aims to delve into the complexities of this subject, promising an honest examination without minimizing cases of abuse.

In the upcoming episodes, Christie plans to address questions surrounding spiritual abuse by examining its definitions and characteristics and promises to navigate the delicate balance of discussing abuse without blaming the entirety of the church or religion.

 The host pledges to vehemently call out cases of abuse without minimizing them and emphasizes support for victims and their healing journeys. Ultimately, the goal is to create awareness, foster empathy, and challenge the audience to actively stand against spiritual abuse, making churches and communities devoid of this harm. 

This podcast episode concludes with an invitation for listeners to join the journey of discovery and healing, urging them to be part of the battle against spiritual abuse.  

"Be Human, Be Kind, Be Both."

Christie Hodson:

Hey there, friends and fellow soul defenders. This is the podcast Soul Bruises, and I'm your host, Christe Hodson. This entire podcast will be devoted to taking a closer look at spiritual abuse to discover what it is, how it is affecting our lives and what we can do to combat it. I'm thrilled you decided to be here. There are numerous podcasts out there on many different topics, but today, just now, you decided to listen to the one about spiritual abuse. It's a challenging topic to discuss, but you were brave enough and curious enough to check it out, so thank you! While I have information to share with you, I want to hear from you. Please let me know why this topic spoke to you today and what you wish to gain in learning about it. Your feedback is immensely valuable. Feel free to send your questions and thoughts to my email at soulbruises@ gmailcom, or connect with me on Instagram at @Soul Bruises 2023. I want this podcast to truly be a collective learning experience.

Christie Hodson:

In this introductory episode of Soul Bruises, I'd love to share how the idea of this podcast came about and what this podcast generally will be about. I'm fully aware that tackling this topic will not be easy. After all, who really wants to talk about abuse in any form Period. I understand delving into abuse will not be pleasant and for some it might even appear futile, perhaps even a detrimental or potentially harmful endeavor to undertake. Perhaps you even have assumptions about spiritual abuse itself and are apprehensive to even bring up the topic, choosing rather to avoid the conflict altogether. I hope that by staying tuned into this podcast, that will give me the opportunity to challenge your assumptions and show how it's an absolutely imperative process we must undertake. Spiritual Abuse. Talk about a juxtaposition in terms. What does spiritual abuse actually mean and why would a God-believing, church-going, peace-loving, introverted Christian like myself want to poke this hornet's nest and get stung? Ouch! These and many more questions will be explored in upcoming episodes of this podcast, so I hope you stick around so we can examine them together.

Christie Hodson:

What motivated me to personally address spiritual abuse? To be brutally honest, it was watching those I deeply, deeply love experience spiritual abuse on a personal level and yet feeling completely powerless to protect them from this harm. I was tired of this helpless feeling of hearing and watching these soul-destroying acts and decided, at the very least, I needed to speak up in some capacity. I could no longer, in good conscience, sit on the sidelines. A significant turning point for me happened while I was going through my local car wash a couple years ago. I was passing the time listening to a podcast called the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill. Have you heard of it?

Christie Hodson:

After listening to the egregious abusive behavior of the spiritual leader of Mars Hill and being emotionally removed just enough from the situation to see it for what it was, became a tipping point for me, from that day forward I have moved from a neutral stance on this matter to an offensive one. I've come to realize that in order to fully grasp the scope of this problem, I have needed to unearth the immense gravity and depth of the destructive acts of spiritual abuse and there are far too many. Yet through this process of discovery, I've developed an intense passion to actively pursue answers and solutions, and that will not stop. I will continue to stay curious and keep learning myself, and will attempt to keep identifying and educating others about spiritual abuse and exposing it for the soul-brewing damage it inflicts on others. Thus the creation and existence of this podcast Soul Bruises. In this podcast I will not sugarcoat the realities of spiritual abuse, nor will I blame all the ill wills of church or religion on spiritual abuse. It's just not that simple. Navigating through this balancing act will be challenging, for sure, but I am wholeheartedly prepared and willing to embrace that challenge. I will promise you one thing, however that if a case of abuse can be made, it will be vehemently called out, without a hint of minimization. I ask you, the listener, to hold me accountable to that promise. My support for the victims of spiritual abuse and their healing journey will not waver. I'm really excited to share with you what I've learned and to introduce to you so many warriors out there already fighting this battle.

Christie Hodson:

Those who have, in speaking up, been faced with the same abuses they are often standing up against, whether victims of abuse or a defender against it. There is usually a price to pay for speaking up. Victims of abuse, more than ever, need and deserve our empathy, compassion, attention and courage on this matter. For the church community, this is our good Samaritan moment. This is our chance to show mercy to the survivors. What are we going to do with this opportunity? Instead of passively sitting in our pews and turning away from the problem, or choosing to be oblivious to the issue as if it doesn't exist, I want to challenge all of us to see, to acknowledge and to stand up against spiritual abuse whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head. It's imperative we make ourselves and our churches safer places to be. My personal hope and prayer is that the love of God can be restored in our hearts, our families, our communities and our churches so we can foster an atmosphere of restoration and healing. I am just one person trying to influence at least one other person's perspective around this crucial matter. If you happen to be that one more person who's willing to stand up against spiritual abuse and say enough is enough, then creating this podcast will not have been in vain. I'm glad you're here. Let's do this together.

Christie Hodson:

Join me in the following Soul Bruises episodes as we begin this journey of discovery and healing. In the first full episode, I will begin by laying out the groundwork for identifying, first and foremost, why this topic is important and why I entitled the podcast Soul Bruises. Next will be an episode on defining what actually is spiritual abuse. Subsequent episodes will be dedicated to exploring the tactics and behaviors of spiritual abuse In tandem. The definitions and characteristics I hope will provide a more comprehensive look at the beast we are dealing with. Knowing these aspects will help us to better recognize, expose and ultimately eliminate spiritual abuse.

Christie Hodson:

I truly hope you return for a visit, even if it's just to hear one episode. Aside from the full length episodes, there will be bonus episodes along the way on various topics relating to spiritual abuse, and also guests who can add an extra flavor to the delivery of this information, either through their life experience or their expertise. Thank you for joining this battle. Buckle up for the ride and don't forget to subscribe wherever you listen to your podcasts. Join me December 1st 2023 as we jump into the first full length podcast episode of Soul Bruises. Before I go, I just want to tell you, I want to hear from you. Drop me a message on social media, at my Instagram, SoulB ruises 2023, or through the email address of SoulBruises@ gmail. com. I look forward to communicating with you. The listener and, hopefully, a soul defender. This is Christie and you've been listening to the Soul Bruises podcast. Until next time, be human, be kind, be both.

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