Soul Bruises

Episode 2: Soul Bruises Disclaimer - A Sensitive Exploration and Call to Action

November 19, 2023 Christie Hodson Season 1 Episode 2

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Spiritual abuse can be a very sensitive topic!  I felt it necessary to give a disclaimer, for anyone that might find the information shared on this podcast, to be triggering .  I do not want to cause any further trauma to anyone.  I understand if you are a victim of spiritual abuse that this may be the last thing you want to listen to.  If you can't, please encourage your friends and family to  listen to it instead.  You need all the support you can get from your fellow humankind.  If you DO listen, please do so at your comfort level, keeping in mind your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health.  Also please let me know if there is ANYTHING you would add to this podcast to be more compassionate to the spiritual abuse survivor's reality.   

Safety in our spiritual and religious spaces is EVERYONE'S responsibility. Together, we can work to get rid of the darkness of abuse by shedding light on this difficult topic through empathy, love and kindness.  It begins with acknowledging the harsh realities of spiritual abuse by bringing it out from under the rug and into the open, to process, learn and ultimately heal.

"Be Human, Be Kind, Be Both."

Christie Hodson:

A brief disclaimer. While striving to provide informative content pertaining to the topic of spiritual abuse, as the host of the Soul Bruses podcast, I understand that there may be some individuals that have had a harmful personal experience or trauma related to this topic. Some of the materials I discuss or talk about may be deeply triggering and distressing for some individuals. It's crucial to provide a safe environment for ALL listeners, so please prioritize your mental well-being before listening any further to this podcast. I'm taking this precautionary measure to give you, the listener, the opportunity to decide whether you wish to engage with this content or not. My utmost priority is to not cause any additional trauma to those who have already suffered from it. It is my plan to approach this topic with the utmost empathy, sensitivity and respect, and I welcome any and all suggestions on how I might do that more effectively. Creating an environment that's safe does not mean we won't talk about this difficult topic. To bring the darkness of spiritual abuse into the light, I believe it needs to be brought out of the shadows. Remember it's entirely okay to take breaks, skip certain materials or completely choose to listen no further. Always keep in mind you are not alone and that I'm here to support you in any way I can.

Christie Hodson:

Lastly, a substantial portion of this work may appear critical of spiritual leaders due to their positions of authority and the consequential influence that that brings to each individual situation. There are many godly spiritual leaders out there that do not possess the characteristics of, model the behavior of, or fit the profile of, a spiritual abuser. If you happen to be one of them, I kindly ask that you take my assessment not as an accusation, but as a call to take action. I encourage you to stand with me in creating spiritual and religious settings that are devoid of abuse. Do not underestimate the significant impact you can have. Your involvement conveys a powerful message as you exercise.

Christie Hodson:

The influence you possess Because this is not just an individual problem but also a systemic one makes the importance of your participation and involvement all the more crucial. To quote American astronaut, captain Scott Kelly. (Quote) "safety has to be everyone's responsibility. Everyone needs to know that they are empowered to speak up if there's an issue. End quote. When we unite on the loving treatment of our brothers and sisters, we can create an environment where the darkness of abuse is snuffed out by the light of kindness, love and empathy.

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